Monday 20 May 2013

Jet Lag Mornings

As you may have noticed, I returned to base last week. About 8 days ago, to be precise. The Sunday morning we arrived, the child & I thought we would sleep in (we were due to arrive at 4 am at home, it ended up being close to 5:30). Go to the store for milk etc. when we woke up. Slowly get ready for the week ahead.

Well, we got in late, showered and immediately felt hungry. So we ate rice, like self respecting South Indians. Even though the little dabba of curd that was in the fridge for a month was tempting, we avoided it and ate some Puliodarai instead. Then we tried to sleep. But couldn't. So we woke up and walked to the store. It wasn't open.

Then we walked back and hung out and noticed the cats and finally got in the car (not the car that the cats were using, scary that!) and got milk and made coffee and were contemplating another bath. Thats all I remember though. Next thing I knew it was Monday and we were awake at like 4 am and I was a bit stressed out because I had to get in to work.

Because of swimming and my desperate need to exercise (I was very good about not obsessing about it the entire duration of our trip - I ran when I could - and every time I did, it was lovely, really, such beautiful places to run in and what great weather. I would be jealous if I did not believe that Chennai is the best place on earth...for running..), we have been up early every day.

Early as in 4:30 am for me. And a little later for the child. Initially it was jet lag. And I would start to cave in by afternoon, and somehow resist sleeping till 9 pm. Of course I cannot claim jet lag any more. Anyhow I am a 9-5 kind of girl (meaning, I can totally sleep 9 pm - 5 am, despite being a full grown adult and all, every day all days of my life).

I am thinking that we should push this schedule for a bit more. Especially given that husband person returned last night and should be battling jet lag himself for the next few days - which means he will wake up in the wee hours of the morning. Feels good. Yep. Especially since I have managed decent running mileage now - getting back on track! Oh yeah! 

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