Tuesday 14 July 2009


regular visitors to the home will be surprised, rather, at my latest acquisition.
its a sexy white bike complete with gears, power brakes, and a water bottle (!).
i am super excited to have this, so i can match ludwig step for step.
yes, ladies, a bicycle, like the Red Avon SLR i used to own in my now long forgotten youth.
this morning i woke up bright and early and decided to take HER out for a ride. Seriously I am sounding like my friend NotOld who used to go nuts talking about his RoxShoxShimadzu or something like that (ergo, his bike).
I went across the bridge (carefully changing the gear down, as reco-ed) and zoomed around a bit (hey, at least on my bike i overtake others, which is more than i do in my fat diesel powered car), and returned home all happy.
I was just making the turn into our road from the main one, indicating my hand (when you are a geek, you are a geek for life and in all walks of it thereof). The dude behind me on a (real) bike started honking at me. i was like yeah, whatever (is that a movie now?). I had indicated, he was up there on the bridge still and i was already beginning to turn when he zoomed past still honking. I suppose he was trying to eve tease, what the heck, i promptly turned around and flipped him the finger.

Yeah. Die, you sucker. (Or maybe, i should take it as a compliment. I still got it types).


Serious Lounger said...

err.. if he were trying to eve tease ye, he sure was in for a bad time.. imagine getting kickboxed..

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

yeah i think i should carry a placard saying that

Anonymous said...

flipping the finger = abacharam squared

dipali said...

Very impressed, Kenny!
With both the biking and the kickboxing:)

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

MiM, it was left hand too. :-)

Dipali, Thanks. Kickboxing is at bay now though, that was my Mumbai thing!

Ludwig said...

welcome to the Dark Side. we will confabulate anon for tactical manoeuvres on Chennai roads. there are several pains in necks.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

we must confabulate. today an old man spewing serious black smoke from his scooty thought it necessary to instruct me on bike riding. WTF! I have been riding a bike since i was 3ft tall. On the roads.
anyway if they eve tease, you tell them kenny is behind you and is a kick boxer.

Choxbox said...

go girl!

p.s.: am reminded of that shady lane behind tiscoo where sometimes there were creeps from tarams/vales. wish we all knew kick-boxing then. maybe it should be made mandatory or some such.

wordjunkie said...

Being Chennai, the biker probably thought your finger stood for "Left turn, maccha". Have seen venerable aunties flipping the bird while giving directions to the nearest temple or jaouli kadai.

@Dipali: Not just running and kickboxing... She also wears saris to conferences !!!!!We should put her on a postage stamp.

Choxbox said...

@junkieben: i've always been saying that. now we even have an expert illustrator, what are we waiting for?

@dips: kenny has >24 hrs in her day. thats the secret.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

chox, true!

wj, must tell the hubby about this jaouli kadai biz - his finger is on display most times when we are driving on the roads....

Parul said...

The comments on this post are most entertaining.

So jealous of the bike. I have wanted one for the longest time. This is Bombay though and riding a cycle is perhaps the easiest way to get killed. Except of course if you are Salman Khan in which case you can always get your big car the next time and do the killing.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

yeah, big adv. of chennai.

Sands said...

first time here. That was so awesome. I should remember to use the finger next time around when I am visiting :)

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

yes, yes, feeling of much relief overcame me after that flipping, ineffectual as it was.